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2024/10/08 22:30:03  点击:[]



曾卉玢,女,管理科学与工程专业,管理学博士,讲师。主要研究方向为信息技术与管理、大数据分析与应用、能源管理与低碳发展等。担任Energy Conversion and Management、Aerosol Science and Technology、Scientific Reports、Plos One、Earth Science Informatics、Environmental Monitoring and Assessment等多个 SCI 杂志审稿人。



[1] Huibin Zeng (1/5). Incentive-based demand response strategies for natural gas considering carbon emissions and load volatility[J]. Applied Energy, 2023, 348: 121541. (中科院SCI一区TOPIF=11.2)

[2] Huibin Zeng (1/5). Natural gas demand response strategy considering user satisfaction and load volatility under dynamic pricing[J]. Energy, 2023, 277: 127725. (中科院SCI一区TOPIF=9.0)

[3] Huibin Zeng (1/5). Prediction of fluctuation loads based on GARCH family-CatBoost-CNNLSTM[J]. Energy, 2023, 263: 126125. (中科院SCI一区TOPIF=9.0)

[4] Huibin Zeng (1/5). A hybrid deep learning approach by integrating extreme gradient boostinglong shortterm memory with generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity family models for natural gas load volatility prediction[J]. Energy Science & Engineering, 2022, 10(7): 1998-2021. (中科院SCI三区,IF=4.0)

[5] Huibin Zeng (通讯). Multi-objective optimal dispatch strategy for power systems with Spatio-temporal distribution of air pollutants[J]. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023, 98: 104801. (中科院SCI一区TOPIF=11.7

[6] Huibin Zeng (通讯). Application of forecasting strategies and techniques to natural gas consumption: A comprehensive review and comparative study[J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2024, 129: 107644.(中科院SCI一区,IF=8.0

[7] Huibin Zeng (3/4). PM2.5 volatility prediction by XGBoost-MLP based on GARCH models[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 356: 131898.(中科院SCI一区TOPESI高被引,IF=11.1

[8] 曾卉玢(3/3).基于改进VMD和聚类权值共享的负荷预测[J].武汉大学学报(工学版),2024,57(09):1310-1318. (CSCD)

[9] 曾卉玢(3/3).注意力机制下的VMD-IDBiGRU负荷预测模型[J].电力系统及其自动化学报,2022,34(10):120-128.(CSCD)

[10] Huibin Zeng (4/4). VAR-tree model based spatio-temporal characterization and prediction of O3 concentration in China[J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2023, 257: 114960.(中科院SCI一区,ESI高被引,IF=7.1


一种考虑波动性的天然气日负荷预测方法(1/8, 发明专利)

一种基于区块链的突发公共卫生事件应急管理系统及方法(3/3, 发明专利)

基于区块链的突发事件智能应急管理系统(3/3, 软件著作权)


参与 国家自然科学基金面上项目 面向不确定因素的天然气负荷预测及用户行为检测方法研究 2021.01-2024.12

参与 国家自然科学基金面上项目 面向大数据的混合存储布局优化及安全迁移机制研究2019.01-2022.12

参与 陕西自然科学基金企业联合基金重点项目 煤炭产业区块链关键技术研究 2021.01-2022.12


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